Outline approval was secured for this residential development in Worminghall, Buckinghamshire, with Reserved Matters Approval following in May 2022.

DCa delivered the scheme layout, house designs and working drawings for 18 new homes on the site, incorporating a mix of 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms. Affordable housing is provided to concur with the S106 agreement. The layout and mix of the scheme carefully considered consultee and council comments, adhering to planning policies and the Worminghall Neighbourhood Plan.

Our design approach incorporates a simple meandering road pattern with active frontages to all streets. The homes are positioned to respond to key views and vistas within the site and create features to aide way-finding and easy navigation. The dwelling sizes and types reflect the local character and housing needs, with a layout that retains the existing trees and planting on the site. Bird and bat boxes have been incorporated into existing trees to assist biodiversity.

The design sought to reflect and maintain the character of the village, respecting the existing adjacent properties, site features and the surrounding context. The materiality and appearance of the houses throughout the development vary in style to create an interesting mix, consistent with the various styles found within Worminghall. The homes have been designed to have a contemporary approach, but with sensitivity to the site and surrounding area.

Construction work is underway and is due to be complete in 2023.

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