DCa are delighted to be working with Milton Keynes Council to deliver Regeneration MK.
The regeneration programme is set to deliver multiple schemes of mixed tenure affordable housing, to provide high quality accommodation for existing and new residents.
Its vision is to make positive and long lasting differences for people and families in Milton Keynes.
Designs have been carefully developed by our team to take advantage of the potential of each site and the desired outcomes for the future residents, achieving modern homes for the present and future.
The following developments were completed in 2019:
St Georges Road, Bletchley - ten 2 bedroom apartments
Kellan Drive, Fishermead - nine 2 bedroom apartments
Franklins Croft, Wolverton - four 2 bedroom and five 3 bedroom houses
Planning approval has also been secured for new developments at:
Rowlands Close, Bletchley - two 2 bedroom, wheelchair accessible, bungalows
Talland Avenue, Fishermead - three 4 bedroom and two 5 bedroom much needed larger family houses
Germander Place, Conniburrow - four 3 bedrroom houses
Coltsfoot Place, Conniburrow - eighteen 2 bedroom apartments
Cripps Lodge, Netherfield - twenty four 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 42 3,4 and 5 bedroom houses, including wheelchair accesible bungalows.
Designs are currently being developed for several additional sites and planning applications will be submitted in the near future.