An Outline Planning Application has been submitted on behalf of our clients for a new residential development at Overstone Park, Market Harborough. The application is for up to 600 dwellings, use class C3, a school, use class D1, and a mixed use local centre to include use classes A1, A2, A3 , B1 and D1.
The site is circa. 36 hectares and is currently agricultural land. It forms part of the proposed urban extension of Market Harborough following three other consented developments to the north and west.
The site presents a unique opportunity to create an exemplary development adjacent to the open countryside and has been designed with careful reference, respect and sensitivity for the landscape context. The approach has also had regard for the market and planning policy requirements, with a clear acknowledgement of housing needs.
The design has been developed to ensure that it successfully respects the design guidance and advice received from Harborough District Council, with the assistance of OPUN. The illustrative masterplan has been refined during the process of consultation and the parcels of land have been informed by the landscape strategy, identifying principal elevations and key buildings that will terminate. views.
The site will be formed into three zones: Knoll Court, which is the principle gateway to the site, Davenport Park, which will have more of an urban identity and Nethercote Park which relates to the open countryside with a more traditional architectural approach.
Overall the proposed development will offer quality and sustainable living, good access and transport links, along with local amenities on and around the site, contributing positively to the local area.