Sear Farm, Upper Sundon

Posted on 18/10/2023

DCa architects have worked closely with our client, Joe Charles Homes Ltd, and planning consultant J&J Design, to submit a full planning application to Central Bedfordshire Council for the redevelopment of a derelict site for residential use. The proposed scheme is for nine new dwellings, to include a mix of two and three bedroom homes and a five bed farmhouse.

The site is classed as brownfield comprising a range of existing structures, buildings and hard standings. It adjoins the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and is located within the Green Belt.

The redevelopment adopts a farm themed approach with a series of agricultural styled buildings, emulating former barns, stores and stables, all purposefully placed to reflect a farmyard arrangement and scale.

All the buildings draw upon traditional materials akin to farmsteads with brickwork and brickwork detailing, black timber cladding and clay tile details. These are used in varying proportions across the range of buildings to express their varied origins.

As part of assessing the site for any potential impact upon the AONB and the Green Belt, the existing structures are a material consideration as they already establish a degree of acceptable impact upon these landscape designations. Their extent is therefore considered to be a benchmark against which the re-development of the site is to be measured. The proposals also deliver its Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements on-site.

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